Asbeter wins the Rabo Sustainable Innovation Award 2019


What a fantastic moment it was on September 28, when during the Spring Tide Festival (Springtijfestival) on the Dutch island of Terschelling, the winners of the Rabo Sustainable Innovation Award (Rabo Duurzame Innovatieprijs) were announced. Asbeter won the award in the category Circular Economy, for its process: the dumping of corrugated roof sheets made of asbestos cement come together in one solution for regaining clean raw materials for the cement and concrete sector.

The Mirror Tent, with hundreds of enthusiastic attendees, formed the backdrop for the award ceremony, in which the prize was presented by Rabo CEO Wiebe Draaijer and Herman Wijffels, the former CEO who created the award. It was an honor to receive this award: a check for 20,000 euros for our research, and a fine sculpture as a lasting memory. The lauding jury report and all positive reactions we received are a great support in this busy stage of scaling up: from the pilot installation we are continuing to expand in a circular manner, to all preparations in Rotterdam for the construction of the first plant with Asbeter technology for the definitive processing of concrete waste materials and asbestos or cellulose cement roof sheets. It was this circular approach that led Asbeter's founders to an affordable processing of these difficult waste flows.